She looks great! She is so close to going home....can't wait!
Her swallow study today showed she is aspirating when she eats and the milk is going into her lungs. She will need to be bottle fed so that they can thicken each feeding. So no matter what she is eating (milk, formula, vitamins...) thickener has to be added. They will recheck this in about 3 months to see if it has corrected itself. No more nursing for me....we will see if I try again in 3 months...Our nurse, Kim, was able to take her down to radiology today for the test. I trust her so much and I am so glad she was chosen by God to guide us along the way...
Ella continues to take her bottles great! They tell me she is a vigorous eater and eats real fast. I hope to give her a bottle tomorrow.
What a precious little pink bundle! Can't wait to hold her!